
Debunking the Myth: Is Suede Waterproof?

Suede-a luxurious, velvety material beloved for its softness and rich texture—has long been a staple in fashion and design. Whether it’s adorning shoes, bags, or furniture, suede exudes an air of sophistication and elegance. However, there’s a common misconception surrounding suede: is it waterproof? Many individuals shy away from suede products for fear of water damage, but the truth may surprise you.

Let’s delve into the science behind suede and uncover the truth about its water-resistant properties.

 Understanding Suede

Suede is a type of leather with a napped surface, achieved by buffing the underside of the hide. This process creates a soft, fuzzy texture that distinguishes suede from other types of leather. Due to its porous nature, suede is more susceptible to water damage compared to its smoother leather counterparts. When suede comes into contact with water, it can darken, stiffen, and develop water stains, leading many to assume it’s entirely non-waterproof.

 The Myth of Waterproofness

Contrary to popular belief, suede is not inherently waterproof. Its porous structure allows water to penetrate easily, causing potential damage and discoloration. However, this doesn’t mean that suede is completely defenseless against moisture. Various treatments and protective measures can enhance suede’s water resistance, prolonging its lifespan and maintaining its pristine appearance.

 Water-Repellent Treatments

To bolster suede’s resistance to water, manufacturers often apply specialized treatments during the production process. These treatments, such as waterproof sprays or stain repellents, create a protective barrier on the surface of the suede, preventing water from seeping in. While these treatments can significantly reduce the risk of water damage, they’re not foolproof and may require periodic reapplication to maintain effectiveness.

 Tips for Protecting Suede

If you own suede items or plan to invest in them, there are several proactive steps you can take to safeguard them against water damage:

  1. Use Waterproofing Sprays: Apply a waterproofing spray specifically formulated for suede to create a protective barrier. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results.
  1. Avoid Water Exposure: Minimize suede’s exposure to water whenever possible. If caught in the rain, gently blot excess moisture with a clean, dry cloth and allow the suede to air dry naturally. Avoid using heat sources, such as hair dryers, as they can cause damage to the suede fibers.
  1. Store Properly: When not in use, store suede items in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Consider using breathable storage bags to prevent dust accumulation and maintain the suede’s integrity.
  1. Clean Spills Promptly: Accidents happen, but prompt action can prevent permanent damage. Immediately blot spills with a clean cloth to absorb excess liquid, then use a suede brush or eraser to gently remove any remaining residue.
  1. Consult a Professional: For stubborn stains or extensive damage, seek the expertise of a professional leather cleaner. Attempting DIY remedies may exacerbate the issue and lead to irreversible damage.


In conclusion, while suede may not be inherently waterproof, it’s not entirely defenseless against moisture either. With proper care and maintenance, suede items can withstand light exposure to water and maintain their luxurious appearance for years to come. By incorporating protective measures and treating suede with care, you can enjoy the timeless elegance of suede without the fear of water damage. So go ahead, embrace suede in all its velvety glory, and step out in style, rain or shine!

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